the Letta Trust

We have the highest aspirations for our pupils and our staff and hope that our commitment to social equality for the children and families in our school communities is clear.

We strive to give children the best chance of happiness and success at school and beyond; to growing active citizens with a strong moral compass who want to make a positive difference in the world.

How does technology help you achieve your school T&L vision and ethos?

'In terms of school improvement, we find that technology has had a huge part to play in enabling teachers to work collaboratively together. It no longer matters whether you're in the same building. You can plan together. You can learn together.'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust

How can schools secure the necessary investment resources?

'We took advantage of LGfL's Bridge the Divide offer, where we were able to secure a large number of Chromebooks at a very reasonable cost. And as a result of that, we've been able to make sure that every single child across the trust has access to their own Chromebook that they can use at school or at home if they need to.'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust

How can the required change be managed?

'So ultimately, this is about change management, which begins by creating a need for the change and a sense of excitement around the change, and that can be done by providing people with lots; lots of information, lots of examples of things that are going really well by giving people the opportunity to talk about the things that they aren't happy with at the moment, the things that they would like to change, the things that could be improved as a result of this change.'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust

How can schools involve their wider school community in the adoption of new technologies?

'We believe that everyone has the right to access technology in the same way that people have the right to clean water, to gas and electricity. We've been working very closely with our school community over the past two years to make sure that everybody has access to a device at home to good quality Internet connection. But also we provide training for parents on how to use that technology.'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust

How do you measure impact of the role of technology on improving standards?

'I have an instantaneous snapshot of which children are ready to progress and which children need for their support. I can take that feedback, discuss it with my maths lead, discuss it with my partner teacher, and have really rich, powerful discussions that would have taken me probably several hours previously if I had to gather all their books and mark them one by one. Now I can do that in a couple of minutes at the end of a lesson.'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust