Develop Strategic partnerships

How can schools involve their wider school community in the adoption of new technologies?

'We believe that everyone has the right access to technology in the same way that people have the right to clean water, to gas and electricity. We've been working very closely with our school community over the past two years to make sure that everybody has access to a device at home, to good quality Internet connection. But also we provide training for parents on how to use that technology.'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust

'One of the key reasons behind our significant improvement and investment in our IT at Swanlea has been the tremendous support we've had from the local authority.'

Kabir Miah - Deputy Headteacher

'If a parent knows what the teacher is teaching in the classroom, the child ultimately will benefit from this because the care and learning that the teacher is providing in school is transferred to the parent. Since lockdown, we've come back to school as a teaching community.'

Bernard McNerney  - Lansbury Lawrence Primary School

What role has the LA had in helping increase with device ratios?

'Thanks to our local borough, Tower Hamlets, we were able to communicate with other Computing Leads and School Business Managers in the community. We were able to secure generous donations that the borough made. We were also able to share ideas and examples between schools where there were opportunities for free devices that would support families at home during lockdown.'

Bernard McNerney  - Lansbury Lawrence Primary School

Working alongside Edtech UK and the Blended Learning Consortium to support schools.