Technology management
Do you have a mixed economy of devices? Why?
'You have to see what works best for your children. So we would visit schools to see what they're doing and how it's working and then trial it out in a classroom or a Year Group in our school, maybe as a teacher research group, to trial something out and then to feedback to the wider teaching community and make a decision from there'
Bernard McNerney - Lansbury Lawrence Primary School
How do you manage the change related to technology investment?
'We bought new computers for every single department that use them on a daily basis. We also looked at replacing all of our access points so that the laptops could access our network effectively. Every single faculty now has two laptop trolleys that they're able to access whenever they need them.
So when we had to start teaching in bubbles, we had so many laptops on trolleys ready that we could actually provide every classroom with the laptops they needed. So that really worked really well for us'
Samantha Bullen - School Business Manager, Swanlea School
Device ratios – How can the required change be managed?
'If children are going to use technology effectively and staff are going to rely on it as an essential part of their toolkit, then it needs to be as accessible as possible. And the way that we need to do that is working towards one to one devices.'
Owen O'Regan - Headteacher - Lansbury Lawrence
Challenges in EdTech Adoption - How can we manage the change effectively? SL2
"It is essential to see this as a whole school programme of development as opposed to something that one or two individuals are leading on!"
Rebecca Abrahams (Executive Headteacher St Luke's C of E Primary School)
How do you manage the ongoing investments required? SL11
"The challenge for us as leaders is how can we make sure our infrastructure keeps up with what our children and our staff ... demand of our hardware!"
Rebecca Abrahams (Executive Headteacher)
Cloud Platform Adoption
LGfL case studies offer insights into a wide range of contexts where increased device ratios have had a positive impact on pupil outcomes.
LGfL Home Protect
Web filtering for remote learning, designed in partnership with schools to keep children safe.
LGfL SafeguardED
Designed with KCSIE, Ofsted and the new RSHE guidance in mind, the DigiSafe service offers extensive safeguarding training by leading experts, quality-assured resources and support for staff, parents and carers, as well as policy guidance and templates, self-service online CPD, SEND and EAL support and updated guidance for remote learning to help you keep children safe. And don't forget we also provide tech like filtering to keep children safe.
LGfL CyberCloud
Cyber Security, Protection and Device Management for Schools