Developing effective approaches to Teaching and Learning (with technology)

How does technology help you achieve your school T&L vision and ethos? 

Examples of Tech Use for Everyday Learning SL10

"There's lots of ways I use technology to meet the needs of all of my learners. One of the things I do for a child who has recently moved from another country is, I use a translator within Powerpoint when I presenting my slides into her home language. So that as I am teaching, it is recognising my voice and translating what I am saying into text in to a different language."

Luke Shuttleworth - Y3/4 teacher at Harbinger Primary School

'We wanted our children to be able to use tech every day for everyday learning and in a way that will support them develop, I suppose, skills that are necessary for them to be better on the computers, but also ways that they can use computers to enhance learning and support help them in seeing the wider world.'

Robyn Bruce - Headteacher Cubitt Town Primary school

'In terms of school improvement, we find that technology has had a huge part to play in enabling teachers to work collaboratively together. It no longer matters whether you're in the same building. You can plan together. You can learn together..'

Jo Franklin - CEO The Letta Trust

'It is one of the things we struggled with to start with because our teachers' technology knowledge wasn't quite where it should be with the subject knowledge. And if we wanted to develop our children into more tech savvy, independent learners, we needed to support our teachers as well. And one of the things that it has really opened up for us is that we are able to use technology to enhance our teaching. It widens the world, the scope that we've got in where we can teach our children, where we can take our children on a strategic basis'

Robyn Bruce - Headteacher Cubitt Town Primary school

'What we have found at Swanlea is that in order to make teaching online more effective, it's really important that staff are aware of the different capabilities of the packages that we're working with.'

Paul Gardner: Deputy Headteacher

What role does staff development play in achieving your school development plan & vision?

'As a school, we have been really clear that we want to be exceptional in teaching, leading and learning. And key to this is making sure all the colleagues in school are well trained and understand how it is that they can get better every day. The most important thing, as with all school change management and systems, is working with staff to ensure that they know what they are doing and that they are highly skilled in that.'

Paul Gardner: Deputy Headteacher

Device ratios – what difference does it make to everyday teaching and learning?

'So I think it's just about being really proactive and when you're planning thinking about how you can use that computing device. Lower down the school and Key Stage One, we sometimes have a lot more group work with the children because that becomes more effective working with them that way anyway, because you can show and model and they can show each other and that's really important. As they get up further in the school and they go into Key Stage Two, I think having their own device is important for them because it allows them to do home learning as well.'

Robyn Bruce - Headteacher Cubitt Town Primary school

Examples of how technology supports effective teaching & learning at Swanlea School

'When I teach in my class, I want to know what the misconceptions are so that I can address them and that's what low stakes testing does. For example, in Maths, we have a piece of software which they use every single week on a weekly basis to assess what questions they're getting right and what questions they got wrong, so that when the teacher revisits those topics, they're able to decipher the majority of students are getting this right.'

Aaron Burns: Head of IT services & TIC of Computer Science

How can technology accelerate the development of inclusive practices?

How can technology accelerate the development of inclusive practices? 

'We also use dictation with our Google documents, so instead of the children having to type, they can talk into the Chromebooks and it types for them. So just giving them that opportunity to be independent will really support our learners.'

Rhodri Smith - Digital Integration Lead

'It's really important that young people have access to new technology so they can access learning from wherever they are. Children in underprivileged families that have very challenging circumstances in particular often have families who aren't aware of the benefits of technology or don't have access to these new technologies. And we've been very careful to work very closely with our most vulnerable students.'

Kabir Miah: Deputy Headteacher

Is using technology cheating? SL13

"In the future, the children we are teaching now are likely to be using technology when they get to secondary school, university, when they go to the workplace - so I don't think it is cheating; I think it is giving children valuable skills that they are going to need as they get older and as they hopefully have high, ambitious careers in the workplace!"

Emily Thakrar (Year 3 teacher and Assistant Head, Harbinger Primary)

LGfL Inspire

Ongoing, effective staff development is effective to ensure digital competence is at a high level to deliver high quality and seamless learning.

LGfL Inspire Service offers high quality on and offline support to develop competence, insight and understanding of the effective use of LGfL Learning Services and resources to enhance everyday teaching and learning.

LGfL EnergisED Learning Resources 

Providing safe and secure award winning learning resources to support everyday teaching and learning across the curriulcum from EYFS to KS5.